The Spielwarenmesse® app offers you information from the toy sector all year. With the Spielwarenmesse® app, you always have the best free planning tool for the trade fair at your fingertips. Find out more about Nuremberg, the toy city.
You can discover at the Spielwarenmesse®:
- 2,902 exhibitors from 68 countries
- including 895 exhibitors not present at any other fair
- More than 70,000 visitors from 130 countries
- including around 30,000 visitors who only attend the Spielwarenmesse®
- 1 million products
- 120,000 new products
- Magazine
The Spielwarenmesse’s online magazine, now available on the go as well. The magazine tackles current, specialist topics and promises readers first-hand professional expertise.
- Toy market news
Current hot topics, information and news from the toy sector. Find out the latest on licences, the market, toy manufacturers and events.
- Contacts feature
Create a QR code with your contact details and share with business partners. Scan your business partners’ contact QR codes using the integrated QR code reader and save the information directly to your address book.
- Navigation
Use the direction indicator to help you navigate the halls.
- Synchronisation with the online catalogue
Synchronise exhibitors bookmarked by you in the online catalogue organiser with your favourites in the app, and vice versa, at the press of a button.
- At the trade fair: enable Bluetooth!
Important information in the right place at the right time thanks to iBeacon technology. Depending on where you are in the exhibition grounds, your smartphone will provide relevant content via Bluetooth.
- ToyCity Tipps
Restaurants – Attractions – Shopping – Bars
Aplikasi Spielwarenmesse® menawarkan Anda informasi dari sektor mainan sepanjang tahun. Dengan aplikasi Spielwarenmesse®, Anda selalu memiliki alat perencanaan gratis terbaik untuk pameran dagang di ujung jari Anda. Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang Nuremberg, kota mainan.
Anda dapat menemukan di Spielwarenmesse®:
- 2.902 peserta pameran dari 68 negara
- termasuk 895 peserta pameran yang tidak hadir di pameran lainnya
- Lebih dari 70.000 pengunjung dari 130 negara
- termasuk sekitar 30.000 pengunjung yang hanya menghadiri Spielwarenmesse®
- 1 juta produk
- 120.000 produk baru
- Majalah
Majalah online The Spielwarenmesse, sekarang juga tersedia saat bepergian. Majalah ini membahas topik-topik khusus saat ini dan menjanjikan keahlian profesional pembaca langsung.
- Berita pasar mainan
Topik hangat saat ini, informasi dan berita dari sektor mainan. Temukan informasi terbaru tentang lisensi, pasar, produsen mainan, dan acara.
- Fitur kontak
Buat kode QR dengan detail kontak Anda dan bagikan dengan mitra bisnis. Pindai kode QR kontak mitra bisnis Anda menggunakan pembaca kode QR terintegrasi dan simpan informasi secara langsung ke buku alamat Anda.
- Navigasi
Gunakan indikator arah untuk membantu Anda menavigasi aula.
- Sinkronisasi dengan katalog online
Sinkronkan peserta pameran yang Anda tandai di penyelenggara katalog online dengan favorit Anda di aplikasi, dan sebaliknya, dengan menekan tombol.
- Di pameran dagang: aktifkan Bluetooth!
Informasi penting di tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat berkat teknologi iBeacon. Tergantung di mana Anda berada di tempat pameran, ponsel cerdas Anda akan memberikan konten yang relevan melalui Bluetooth.
- Tip ToyCity
Restoran - Atraksi - Belanja - Bar
The Spielwarenmesse® app offers you information from the toy sector all year. With the Spielwarenmesse® app, you always have the best free planning tool for the trade fair at your fingertips. Find out more about Nuremberg, the toy city.
You can discover at the Spielwarenmesse®:
- 2,902 exhibitors from 68 countries
- including 895 exhibitors not present at any other fair
- More than 70,000 visitors from 130 countries
- including around 30,000 visitors who only attend the Spielwarenmesse®
- 1 million products
- 120,000 new products
- Magazine
The Spielwarenmesse’s online magazine, now available on the go as well. The magazine tackles current, specialist topics and promises readers first-hand professional expertise.
- Toy market news
Current hot topics, information and news from the toy sector. Find out the latest on licences, the market, toy manufacturers and events.
- Contacts feature
Create a QR code with your contact details and share with business partners. Scan your business partners’ contact QR codes using the integrated QR code reader and save the information directly to your address book.
- Navigation
Use the direction indicator to help you navigate the halls.
- Synchronisation with the online catalogue
Synchronise exhibitors bookmarked by you in the online catalogue organiser with your favourites in the app, and vice versa, at the press of a button.
- At the trade fair: enable Bluetooth!
Important information in the right place at the right time thanks to iBeacon technology. Depending on where you are in the exhibition grounds, your smartphone will provide relevant content via Bluetooth.
- ToyCity Tipps
Restaurants – Attractions – Shopping – Bars